Christmas at Engadine is on full display where we invite you to meet our Santa(s)!
Our Christmas tradition began nearly 33 years ago with the purchase of a single, simple Christmas tree ornament…a carved balsa wood Santa Claus bought for a quarter. He was just a piece of wood, devoid of color or decoration. But he sparked an inspiration: “Let’s decorate our tree only with Santa Claus ornaments this year!”.
With that one purchase, a collection was born. And in the ensuing years, we collected what we estimate is about 1,500 unique and different Santa Claus ornaments.
Sadly, for most of the time we lived in Florida, most of them stayed packed away, relegated to a storage unit given our limited space and our “anywhere but the North Pole” setting, we just couldn’t use them all. But we kept collecting! And collecting!! And collecting!!!
With our move to Engadine, an opportunity presented itself. It’s vintage charm and the size of its rooms provided us the reasons to drag the old boys out of storage for a Christmas display we could have only imagined in South Florida.
This year, the Christmas tree in Engadine’s parlor topped out at 12 feet. And, once the tree was up and the lights strung, we started the process of hanging Santas. After so many years away, they are FINALLY out of their boxes and on display for our guests to enjoy! Here, you will find…
- Santas delivering all sorts of goodies…from toys to trees
- There are “theme” Santas…from fisherman Santas to fireman Santas
- And Santas made of all sorts of stuff…from paper and to porcelain
- There are naughty Santas…including a “mooning” Santa and a Santa raiding the refrigerator
- And nice Santas…bearing gifts and offering Season’s Greetings
- Then there are Santas from the sea…created from star fish and oyster shells
- And also from the forest…coached by their creators from corn cobs and pine cones
- There are big Santas and small Santas
- All with prices tags from cheap to insane
We’ve also decked the halls of Engadine with a sleigh full of other Christmas and seasonal decorations…all set in place to celebrate the start of our second year here and to also welcome our Yuletide guests. So if you’d like to meet “Santa(s)” this year, we invite you to visit with us!
It might not be Christmas At Biltmore, but it’s the beginning our own NEW Asheville holiday tradition…Christmas At Engagine!